Alpha and Nibbles went in our Den to take a nap. I decided to join them since Communications was busy sitting and staring at his three rectangles. He's never much fun when he's doing that, though he always take a minute to scratch my chest, or even better, scratch my haunches and tummy! He's almost as attentive as Alpha, which is impressive considering Alpha only has one rectangle that he stares at.
After letting Communications know I planned to dutifully guard Alpha and Nibbles while they napped (and maybe sneak one in too), I trotted to the Den, hopped up on my bed, and watched out the window as Alpha and Nibbles drifted off to sleep.
My head snapped up, waking me instantly. What was that? That sound was scary and immediately set me on high alert. I focused so hard on trying to identify what it was. I searched and searched, but couldn't find the source. By the time I was ready to give up, Alpha stirred and pulled me into his arms. I leaned in to Alpha's protection. But now I was really frightened. What if Alpha didn't think I was worthy of the pack. I hadn't protected them from that evil sound, and now Alpha was awake. Alpha gave me a hug, and pets in all the right places, and eventually, I calmed down.
For the rest of the day, I made sure to stay close to my humans. I still couldn't identify the threat, but I was determined that I wasn't going to let it get near my pack! Not even Chewtoy coming home could tear me away from my self appointed duty.
The evening was quiet. But I grew more concerned as my humans, especially Communications could see right through me. He knew I was scared, and would not be able to meet my obligation to my pack to protect them as the fear induced by that evil sound caused me to shake, tremulously.
By Saturday morning, all I wanted was to stick close to my humans. I hoped they were getting as much comfort in my presence as I received in theirs. It didn't stop me from shaking in fear periodically. The fear increased exponentially, every time one of my humans would try to comfort me!Communications and Chewtoy bundled me up and took me for a ride. I don't like going for rides. But for some reason, this time, I think it might have helped. Even though my anxiety of not having my whole pack with me grew, the super fear that had occluded my mind for nearly two days eased in to a soft background murmur.
Alpha and Communications purchased a new harness for me to wear in the car. I didn't like it, and neither did Communications. Ultimately, he took good care of me by letting me go from my entrapment. He held me close to his chest so I could look out the window and sniff the air when the car was moving slow enough. I really love hanging my head out the window, feeling the exhilarating rush of wind as it whistles past my ears and tantalizes my nose with new and different smells!
Thankfully, our car ride ended, and I was able to get out and stretch my legs. I smelled ... other CATS! Did I mention that I love cats? They are just the most adorable little creatures in the world. I know all the cats in the world want to meet me because, well because I am me!
There were other dogs there too. They really smelled familiar, kind of like me. But they weren't cats. I still wanted to meet them, but Communications and Chewtoy wouldn't let me get to close. That was fine. I was way more interested in the cats they wouldn't let me near either. So, in the end I just lay down and hrumphed at them.
Patience is not my strong suit. I go bored, and decided that there were people whose lives would be improved if they met me, ergo it was my responsibility to meet the humans! However, Communications would not let me get to close to anyone. He kept saying something about "social distance" and "six feet". I didn't get it.
Chewtoy chatted with a woman sitting behind a table. Communications even let me say hi to her. I let her pet the top of my head. I never let anyone pet the top of my head. But, I could tell she really wanted to, so I made an exception.
We went back to the car and waited. I sniffed around a little bit, but I was pretty content to let Communications rub my belly and chest. When I had enough, I informed Communications that I wanted to stretch my legs again.
I hopped out of the car in time to see a young woman approaching us. Immediately I wagged my tail and pulled toward her. This was obviously a woman of refined sensibilities. After all, she wanted to meet me!
She reminded me of a vet. Not that I have a problem with vets, but if you are going to get that personal with me, I expect you to return the favor! She had gentle hands that patted me while the tone of her voice reassured me. I tried to ask Communications if we could keep her, but he wasn't paying attention.
Once they were done talking, we got back in the car and I was once again captivated by the wind in my face, and the smells. I realized at some point, we were headed home.
The rest of the evening was quiet, and I was more relaxed. I didn't have another panic attack! Everyone was so attentive to me. I'm not sure I completely liked it, but they keep telling me I'm a dog. I'm still not sure about that.
I woke up Sunday, feeling ok. I took my humans for a walk, and then took them outside so I could make sure they got enough exercise. Everything was great, until I remembered. Then I felt the fear hit me again, and I crouched down shaking again.
Alpha and Communications calmed me down, then they went into the kitchen. A few minutes later, Alpha came out and Nibbles went in. I watched this very carefully because whenever Nibbles and Communications are in the kitchen, yummy smells come from there - even if I'm not allowed to have most of what is made in there.
Alas, no yummy smells. And even stranger, Communications called Chewtoy in to the kitchen. Alpha went back in the kitchen, and I followed silently, slipping under the table.
It seemed like some agreement was reached because all my humans got up at once and started putting clothes on. My immediate thought? We were going for another walk! I was so excited when they got my harness! Then we got in the car. Still not my favorite activity with my humans!
We drove for a long time, before I began to recognize where we were. We were at the big animal place (Human note: we went to the Helen Woodward Animal Shelter) where my forever family found me. I was a little nervous now. Were they bringing me back? Was I being returned?
Chewtoy and Nibbles talked with one of the people working there, and we sat and waited. I watched, and determined that there were several animals and humans that would benefit from meeting me, so I made the rounds, sniffing butts and submitting to having my head rubbed. Not my favorite activity, and after a few minutes I would head toward the next person or animal that just had to meet me.
One of the staff approached us, and after a brief talk, I was handed off to Alpha, and I watched, and whined, as I watched Chewtoy, Nibbles and Communications go outside and down the steps.
They weren't gone long. When they came back, Nibbles told Alpha what he found. I was getting bored, so I laid down. I watched people come and people go. Once or twice, I stood up to meet a few dogs, and one or two humans. But for the most part, I was content to sit and let Communications scratch my chest.
That same staff person approached our little family, and I was once again handed off to Alpha, and off the other three went, again. The staff person came back, and put a line around my neck, and I was really nervous. I walked with Alpha down the stairs. But instead of going to where I could smell, and hear other dogs, we found Chewtoy, Nibbles and Communications behind a fence. And there was this black dog inside with them.
Could it be? Was I getting a friend? I perked up as I was led into the play area, coming nose to nose with that black dog. We sniffed at each other for a minute, and then it was time to play! It had been so long since I was able to play with another dog! And then she rolled on her back, and I sniffed her carefully.
I approved!