I got to meet Lulu

My human Mike was taking me on our normal morning walk so that I can smell the neighborhood. I have to check it for Gophers, and made sure that I keep those ferocious creatures away from my humans. Someone has to protect them from things they don't know are bad for them. Anyway as we were walking along, going past one of the houses that we always walk past I saw her standing there with her human.  Lulu's had brought her out to play with me, or at least that is how it should have been nevertheless my human talked with her human and they let us play there for a little while. It was my most fun ever! We got to jump around, wag out tails at each other, sniff butts (one of favs) and lick each other. Since that day I have seen and played with Lulu a couple of times, now I need for my humans to invite Lulu over so we can play. We can't play in her yard as her humans are doing work in her yard.